Was it ever this way?

Snobby sororities nasty fraternities. Prejudice was rampant and people were really mean. Glad things like this are in the past. Who wants to live in a world with such stuffy obnoxious white people?


Judging from movies and TV series produced for many decades, they still are that way and often much worse, even responsible for suicides and other deaths.

My own experiences with members was what snobs and nasty people they were to everyone not as "superior" as they believed they were. As a scholarship/NDSL recipient, I can testify to the snide remarks and horrible treatment not just to me but also to anyone non-organization.

So, are all of those movies and TV series made throughout the years wrong? Are they lying and misrepresenting? I've yet to see them show fraternities and sororities in a positive light. Throw novels in there, too!

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


I think the OP was being facetious.


I went to college in 1980 and went to a "brain" school and not a football school. We did have Greek life on campus but it was such a small minority that no one cared either way. Each spring they would have Greek Week in the main quad area and have about 100 frat/sorority doing whatever and about 400 regular students laughing at them. I watched this last night and called my old cohort from an old job and she said yes, they do dance together and sing and stuff. Good God! How absolutely icky.


My mother went to college about the same time that this movie was made. She
did not join a Sorority for the reasons shown in this film. She did know
several girls who were in a Sorority and said this film was quite accurate in
its portrayal of Sorority life at that time.


I could have used a viewing of this film in 1978 as I embarked on college (and mistakenly joined a fraternity in the wake of Animal House's success that summer).

The real world is not composed of just "people like us", and Frats & Sororities shield the college student from this reality.
