The famous quote...

Guys; Is this the source of the famous Quote; "Yonda lies de castle of mi faddah, de Calipha ob Brooklyn"??


"If those sweethearts won't face German bullets--They'll face French ones!"


Yep. I had heard of the alleged quote. When this movie showed up one gray, drippy Saturday afternoon, I flipped my TV on. There was Tony Curtis, galloping his horse up a hill with his new-found companion.

Thought I, "I wonder if this is the one where...."

And, with the on-the-dot timing that comes only from great comedy, and from God, they galloped over the crest of the hill, and the immortal words were delivered:

"Yondah lies the palace {I think it was 'palace'} of my faddah."

Of course, I had no witnesses, but I still splorted ginger ale all over my coffee table. This sort of timing happens to me constantly. I think that's why my husband married me. It's like I'm God's straight-man (woman? meh.). At least least we have a lot of laughter in our house.

Dunno how I rambled there.

Yeah, I do. Our dog began treatment today for a carcinoma that has essentially taken over the poor buddy's right sinus. Guess I'm feeling the fragility of life.

Now, the smart thing to do is to edit out most of the above, but I just feel I oughta go ahead & post. I've learned to trust those feelings.

dolceri ac dolcere
