They played this movie today this afternoon. I knew nothing about it but love classic cinema so decided to watch it. Its was pretty good. Who knows if it will ever be played again so I figured that was my chance to watch it. Anyone else catch it..

Why So Serious?


I dvr'd it and am watching it now. I love the look of this time period and old New Orleans so I'm enjoying it too. Better than anything else they make nowadays and it's got some really good actors!

I love reading the novels these old movies are derived from, so I'm going to see if this book is still in print. It might be a good read, IMHO...

Be well...

Shal... :)


I'm watching it now On Demand but not really paying attention. The hairstyles--Ava Gardner has a '40s pompadour--and costumes are more inauthentic than usual although I did love her strapless sequin ballgown.

Also, the scene where Gardner goes to visit Mitchum's new wife and the woman answers the door in her negligee! and bullet bra! instead of a corset. Not to mention that one would never do that in that time period.


The movie ran again this morning. I loved it! I especially enjoyed considering all the issues the movie raised and making sense of the flaws; there are at least a couple. I may raise them in another post.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
