Ending was lame

I could not see how the army would be able to disintegrate or even blow up the alien ship. It was made of a material stronger and lighter than steel and its windows could not be scratched by diamond. And then Planet X left like it was a space ship. The alien may have been physically weak, but it was so advanced that it had a mind controlling ray. The gun was some kind of light ray weapon. The alien should have been able to escape easily once it made it back inside the ship. The invasion would have been on.


Don't forget that the interior of the ship was under very low pressure relative to the air around it (like a diving bell), so all it would take was one little hole anywhere in the hull for the entire ship to implode.

The handguns couldn't hurt the ship, but that large mortar they fired at it would be enough to penetrate the skin, and then the implosion did the rest.

... or something like that. :)

Note that the alien's "gun" was never fired, so we have no idea what it did... it could have been an electric toothbrush for all we know.
