The R rating

I would like to see this movie very much. I noticed that it was rated R on, which surprised me for some reason. For those of you who have seen it, why is it rated R? I'd like to watch this film with my family, so I'd like to know before hand. Thanks

Fed him three sardines and let him go.(Mordecai)


i don't see any reason that it should be rated R... a few people and animals die, but it is not graphic/bloody... a couple gets caught messing around in the hay but you don't see anything... it may be too dramatic/sad for small children... i think it would be safe to watch with your family...


I have the Criterion release and neither the DVD/Booklet jacket shows any rating not does th Criterion website.I believe this is an error IMO!


I just watched Jeux interdits.
And your post did surprise me. An R rating nowadays on such a movie seems pretty ridiculous.
Yes, we do see the little girls parents being killed by bullets. But it's nothing compared to the graphic representation of Holywood movies coming out these days.
So what makes this movie worth an R rating?
Could it be the topic? Is it because most americans can't deal with the idea that their children will actually entertain such morbid thoughts when faced with the horrible reality of war?
Ironically they don't seem to have such trouble sending their kids to war...


"Ironically they don't seem to have such trouble sending their kids to war..."

That might just be the most generalizing sentence Iv'e ever read in my entire life. I feel like crying or killing myself or something.


OK, I agree, the poster should have written - Ironically they don't seem to have such trouble sending their army to kill other children's parents.


[[ "...most americans ...don't seem to have such trouble sending their kids to war..." ]]

Maybe if the Eurotrash would stop starting wars we wouldn't have to come in and save your worthless butts -- WW1, WW2, and even Vietnam, where the incompetent colonial French surrendered and ran away, leaving others to clean up leur merde. As usual.

Maybe the reason the French don't understand war at all is because they've never won one.


It is because Americans need cannon fodder for Wars present and future.
If youngsters on the 12-16 age see this film, they will compare American Army to German Wehermacht and Air Force to Luftwaffe.

Pretty soon, only criminals, and poor black people will enlist.

See the films of Stanley Kubrick: Paths of Glory, Dr. Strangelove and FMJ. It's all there.


Give me a friggin break. Just thank whatever God you pray to if any that your native tongue isn't German.


I question the accuracy of the entry on I don't know that CARA has ever rated this film, and if it has, I doubt it gave it an "R." I'll bet the entry should say "NR"--not rated.


"...native tongue isn't German" please explain. i am totally confused by this statement.


"...native tongue isn't German" please explain. i am totally confused by this statement. "

I suspect he was referring to the rather obvious fact that if it hadn't been for the U.S. intervention in WW2, the world would have been quickly divided into either German-speaking or Japanese-speaking dictatorships. I don't intend to discount the contribution of the Soviets, other Commonwealth nations or the Free French & other underground forces -- but without the U.S., those efforts ultimately had to result in failure.

Not that it was a magnanimous gesture on the American or Soviet part -- we certainly knew that in the long run, we would likely have lost also without the Alliance.

Only those who have seriously studied that period of history know how frighteningly close the Allies came to losing to the Germans and Japanese at several points.


The same point could be reversed - without the Brits, Americans would be speaking [Japanese/German].

What I don't understand, though, is why America still insists on starting wars around the globe?


It is obvious why...
Some idiot at amazon sees two kids and the title "Forbidden Games" and think it all about sex.....Only in America!


Congratulations are in order to "SixtusXLIV"...!

You get to be the very first poster on IMDB whom I killfile!

The world is bad enough without having to put up with ugly little trolling morons like yourself. Enjoy the little bit of pergatory I dump your ass in!

Goodbye idiot!


have you ever noticed that the European countries, whose socialistic tendencies are rapidly reducing them to Third World insignificance, tend to rewrite history to hide their ghastly diplomatic and military incompetence?

The worst of the "Blame America First" crusaders are always the ones whose performance was the worst -- the French, Germans, Italians, Greeks, etc.

At least they add some unintentional humor to this Board.


[[ "Pretty soon, only criminals, and poor black people will enlist." ]]

The usual Eurotrash arrogance, amusing only because they're incapable of winning a war, even against ignorant colonial rabble -- all of whom have chased them out with no difficulty at all.

You obviously haven't looked at the economic, educational or racial background of the US forces lately.

The last time i checked, only European armies gleefully recruited criminals and degenerates, probably because they know the odds of a European army actually facing real combat are near zero.


There is an interview with the actress Brigitte Fossey in Criderion Collection DVD. She said this movie should not be seen by kids under 12. In one scene, the children were talking about killing. They said cat, cow, horse, lion, tiger, and finally people. Brigitte said she was really scared when shooting this scene.


This film has no MPAA rating, R or otherwise. Somebody has it confused with a 1995 film with the same name but a different plot. That film does have an R rating.


Spoilers below.... The R rating might apply more in a religious sense than violence or sex...

The kids in this film commit religious blasphemy in several regards
-they kill little animals in order to provided "company" for her dead puppy
-they steal crosses from graves, vehicles and church to use in their own little pet sematary
-they lie about the theft
-she is generally unaware of religious prayers, hinting that she might be from an atheist family, which is plenty blasphemous to some people, especially in those years!

and on pure emotion...
-she herself basically kills the puppy herself by falling onto it, then carries it around twitching, it is quite disturbing, more disturbing than most gory films of the last few decades, and I'm tough to gore out!

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


I agree, the twitching dog is really disturbing. I've watched many a gore film myself, but that scene is just really hard to watch. It's weird because we just see both of her parents gunned down in front of her, yet the little twitching dog seems to be so difficult to watch.

ROTA Top Foreign Language Films:


If the little puppy was 'twitching', it could have been stomped to death to put it out of its misery, providing she didn't have a gun to shoot it in its head.

Here. the little girl's parents were killed right in front of her, yet these weirdos are more concerned about a smelly, parasite-infested, disease-carrying, worthless dog 'twitching'. Sick. Really sick.


Personally, I find a slow, painful, 'in-your-face' death more disturbing than a quick, off-screen death, but I guess I'm just weird like that ;p

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**


Maybe Amazon and Netflix are confused--there is a 1995 soft-porn movie also named "Forbidden Games".


No idea why this is rated R.
