History gets changed by politics

People either don't know, don't care or simply forget that the truth about history changes over time.

One reviewer says that it was a lie that the civil rights movement was Communist backed and Communist supported; he was wrong. America has unquestionably changed for the better, but not by the civil rights movement; more by the actions of brave minority men and women on their own accords. So did the Feminist movement have enormous connections with the CPUSA. And a fair number of teachers are exposed every year in college to communism, even (especially) today.

The belief that communism and the Soviet Union just up and disappeared in 1991 is beyond ridiculous; it's like saying that tomorrow morning Americans would wake and decide to create a king and monarchy for themselves and get it done in a couple months, with the whole country just forgetting it's old belief system virtually overnight. Simply not possible.

There's an interesting book called "The Perestroika Deception". Google it, if you're curious and open-minded about political manipulation and strategy.

Finally, one last question:

Who did Rosa Parks work for when the bus incident took place?

Look around. Check several sources. Decide for yourself. The answer might shock you...


don't forget to check underneath your bed tonight.


And Washington DC


And your toilet bowl.


One reviewer says that it was a lie that the civil rights movement was Communist backed and Communist supported; he was wrong.

Finally, one last question:

Who did Rosa Parks work for when the bus incident took place?
The Communist/civil rights connection doesn't discredit the civil rights movement. On the contrary, it elevates Communism.

I am not a Communist, but it's clear that the party, for all the ills associated with it, did do some good in enfranchising minorities over the last one hundred years.

Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?


I'm sure the hundred million people murdered by Communism are happy about that wherever they are.


Unlike the countless millions murdered by the ultra-conservative Fascists, eh?

Come on lads, bags of swank!


Anytime someone downs Communism they aren't automatically enamored with Fascism.


Communism never disappeared in 1991 because it was never there, dummy.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
