I am desparate to get hold of a copy of this movie - I watched it on release and the film has stayed with me ever since. Does anyone know where I can get hold of it. If you have any knowledge email me on [email protected] - I would be extremely grateful.


I would also be very interested in obtaining a copy of this movie. I've loved it ever since the first time I saw it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at [email protected]


At last after all these years I have managed to obtain a copy of GOLDEN GIRL. The wait was well worth while and I love it:-) I still cry every time it reaches the sad bit but now I can rejoice when the pair are reunited.

Any desperate fans can contact me and I can see if I can help you out.

A very happy contented CHRIS HIGGINS


hello christine like you I saw this film and it stayed in my memory. can you tell me where I can get a copy,either dvd or video? My best friend and I saw it around 1954 so it will bring back happy memories of when we were much younger.thanks for your help muriel bennett


This fild is availabe on DVD at Movie


Official Fox Archives MOD DVD-R release announced for October 16, 2012. Details at
