The Market Says It All

I have found a lot of unusual places to find old sci-fi movies. I can go to services like and do some comparison shopping. Everywhere I go, the price is $22.00+ when most old sci-fi films go for $3,00-$5.00 each. The market is telling me that there is still a lot of demand for the movie after 54 years. It was beautifully done on a limited budget and five days of shooting. The women characters were smart and capable. This is amazing when most women were still staying at home and a woman became a doctor or a lawyer only if daddy had been in one of these professions and had opened the doors for her.

Will we find great cities on Mars and beautiful humanoids? It is possible. Even now they believe they have found a large frozen sea underground right at the equator. What else lies underground there?

This is what a classic movie is!!


I just watched this film, and - considering its budget and time constraints - it is enjoyable enough, although not extraordinary in any way. The best elements are the color (which struck me as interesting), the Martian costumes, and the sets, and the generally stronger role of women than is seen in many 50s Sci-fi films; I am always tickeled by a woman scientist being asked to make coffee for her male compatriots in these things. Cameron does a credible job with limited material. It was an easy viewing. The DVD I had showed a damaged film, with numerous scratches and skips, but not to a truly aggravating level for me. The extra of Cameron being interviewed on a local Santa Monica late-night horror/sci-fi show was quite charming, and - as the host kept noting - Cameron was a good sport about his less-than-illustrious career, being quite generous with his comments upon those he worked with "in the trenches" and geuninely humorous. He speaks about working with Mario Bava, and - as is usual with the actors that did his films - has nothing but praise for this great director. As a package, an enjoyable afternoon was had.


Great post! Like FTM and would have liked to have seen the next sci-fier from this studio(unfortunately cancelled!).
