funniest part of the film!

When Kay literally explodes at everyone micromanaging her. Kay runs out and everyone stares in amazement. Her father goes towards to record player and turns off the music. LMAO i TOTALLY forgot the song was on!! xD


Totally agree.


I couldn't figure out why the music was drama-wise out of sync. When he turned it off, I realised why.


when Stanley sais that the baby 'invaded the sanctity of my home'... that cracked me because I feel his pain.

Smoke me a kipper. I’ll be back for breakfast


No, the funniest part was when Stan was leaving Kay's room after she talked about carrying the baby on her back and swinging around to feed it and swing it back.
When he closed the door and looked at the camera his eyes were WIDE open and he was in shock.

Also the ride to the hospital when he was hoping for a motorcycle cop. He tells her she has broken every traffic law...


The ride to the hospital was hilarious! His wife gets into the car and tells him that SHE'S driving. Then, she completely ignores him and hunkers down over the wheel (in a ladylike way, of course) and ignores him as he tells her to slow down. At one point, I think they hit something - maybe an animal, or a pothole - and she doesn't even notice. But he does! She just keeps staring straight ahead (no checking the rear view mirror) as he gets more and more nervous. It was a wild ride but everything shows in his face. Nothing shows in her face - except determination and resolution to disregard any comment about her driving.


The funniest part was the cops and their expressions when they looked at Grandpa.


The music was Les Preludes by Liszt, in case anyone wondered.
