DVD Release..

Any idea if their will be a DVD release of this film? It's one of my dad's favourite films, but i haven't been able to trace a copy down.


I am also looking for a copy of this movie. It is one of my dad's favorites as well as mine.


I've been monitoring this title for at least a coupl'a years and there's no indication that “Warner Bros.”- or whomever now owns the copyright, is going to release it anytime soon. Also, since it hasn't been seen (?) for sometime on "cable," I'm assuming the worst - that it unfortunately may be in NEED of major restoration to be marketable !




Yes, love this movie, great battle scenes. Master and Commander reminds me a lot of how great Gregory Pecks Royal navy movie was.


This movie is being shown tomorrow am (7/14) on action max.


Warner Bros. is releasing it on March 6, 2007 individually and in the Literary Classics Collection also including Madame Bovary, The Three Musketeers (1948), The Prisoner of Zenda 1937 & 1952, and Billy Budd. More info can be found here:




Figures... Its a film about the British Royal Navy and its released in the USA first.
Thats taking the p*ss...

I wonder when its going to be released here in the UK???


It's a film from Warner Brothers, an American company. Of course it will be released in the USA first.

Unfortunately, www.amazon.co.uk doesn't have a spot for it on their website, so I'm going to guess that it won't be released in the UK for some time.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.



Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!! How insulting!! God if there was a heavily US film that was loved by the US and it went on release in the UK first everyone would go mental!!



