Meaningful movie

I remember the excitement I felt when I first viewed this film when I was 6 years old. I lived in Michigan and had never seen anything tropical. I thought Debra Paget was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and loved every moment of the film. After that every time the film was on TV I would watch it. I can remember setting my alarm to get up at 3 in the morning to see it and even skipping school because I just couldn't miss it. In my 20's I packed a bag and with my dog flew to Hawaii. I have been here for 23 years now. The theme song of the movie that also played at the end of the film was written by Queen Liliokulani, the last reigning quuen of the islands. The words are beautiful..I am looking for you my beloved, where have you gone and taken my heart? I had it sung at my wedding as I walked to my husband at Waimea Gardens. Other songs from the film were also played and I was married by a minister from the islands who gave the name Kailea to my first born daughter which means longed for and desired in Hawaiian. Now I have 4 beautiful hapa daughters and I've lived in the islands for 23 years. I watch the movie now with my girls and we always cry. Hawaii means so much to us and it is all that the movie shows. We have fun recognizing all the places where the filming took place. May all of you that love this film have the chance to experience the beauty of the islands at least once for yourself. By the way, the University of Hawaii football team does the walking on fire during training camp to bond them and show them all things are possible. Aloha nui loa to all who love this film.....from an island girl.


Hi, or shall i say aloha?
i wanted to send you a reply to your post on this movie, i am 46 years old, and until the day of my 45th birthday had no idea on the origin of my name, my father named me and refused to tell anyone, having done some investigating since then i have found that i was named after debra paget's character in the movie, although my name is spelled differently, that is where my father found it and insisted his first daughters name would be that, so i thank you, although i havent seen the movie myself, i am getting closer to finding a copy of it than ever


I remember the movie well. You see, on our wedding night my new wife and I went to see this movie at the Palama Theater on N. King St., Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Jan. 13, 1958.
To this day Love Song of Kalua is our favorite song. imho, Ka'au Crater Boys have the best rendition of this song.
Now we have 30 children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I call my wife and first born my little "Territorians."
