MovieChat Forums > Ace in the Hole (1951) Discussion > Minimum Votes for Top 250?

Minimum Votes for Top 250?

Does anyone know the current number of votes required for a movie to be eligible for the IMDb Top 250? At the bottom of the list it says "currently 1300", but that can't be true. Ace In The Hole has over 2000 votes and an 8.2 rating, easily enough to make the list, but it's not.


I don't know but everyone who owns the Criterion edition should be voting for it!

Great film. I'll be watching it again this week.


My roommate has an IMDB Pro account, which shows the "top 500" instead of the "top 250" and this movie was ranked like #485 on the list the last time I noticed.


Does it matter at all how many votes a movie needs to get on the top 250 list? Ace in the Hole is not going to get on the top 250. The top 250 has been completely discredited, because nobody can agree on what the list actually means. It's not important at all. Ace in the Hole is what it is, give it a vote you think it deserves, and be satisfied. People who worry about whether a movie is on the list or not are insecure and looking for affirmation from other poeople about their own assessment of a movie.




dshortt-1, I am not looking for affirmation from other people about my assessment of this or any other movie. I agree that the top 250 list is no standard of excellence by any stretch of the imagination. In all my time on the board I don't ever recall even referring to it before. My reason in this case is that 'Ace In The Hole' has been my favourite movie since originally viewing it on tv in the early 70s. In mentioning the film to others over the years I've found that most people have never heard of it. Even those who love Wilder's work rarely had knowledge of it. I've always said that it will remain obscure until it receives a home theatre release. Now it's finally happened and I'd just like to see this great film finally get its due. One such visible way is for it to be listed on this site's top 250. It's a form of recognition that is a start to building a belated reputation among movie fans. The fact that it will take its place alongside the likes of 'ET', 'Grindhouse', 'Back To The Future' et al is a joke in my book.


By the way, E.T. is one of the few popular movies of our time to actually not be in the IMDB's list of their TOP 250. E.T. should most certainly be on the list but for Ace in the Hole, I have not seen the film yet. It has Wilder and Douglas and I like most of their movies so hopefully I will not be disappointed with this film when I see it.


E.T. used to be on the top 250. Some films eventually slip off. Wasn't 'Titanic' once #1, and its no longer even on the list?


Titanic is a terrible movie...


Titanic was the number one U.S. box office movie for 12 weeks straight after its initial wide release in December 1997, a feat that no other movie I know of accomplished in the past thirty years. Titanic was supposed to be a summer release but Harrison Ford persuaded Paramount to get the release of Titanic delayed to Christmas, so as not to interfere with Ford's 1997 movie, Air Force One. So Titanic had its world premiere in Japan in October, where the female teeny boppers were wild over Leonardo DiCaprio. Thanks in large part to Titanic, Hollywood started targeting young girls, tweens, whose repeat visits to Titanic kept the movie in the number one spot. Whatever anyone's negative opinion of Titanic, it set a a box office standard that will never be beat, almost three months as the number one movie in the U.S. So what if it isn't in the IMDb top 250?


This text should be attached to Top 250 list page


>>Does anyone know the current number of votes required for a movie to be eligible for the IMDb Top 250? At the bottom of the list it says "currently 1300", but that can't be true. Ace In The Hole has over 2000 votes and an 8.2 rating, easily enough to make the list, but it's not.<<

IMDB only counts "regular voters" when they apply their formula. This is to prevent people from voting en masse for a specific film.

God loves filthy rags.


Do you have to be on imdb-Pro to vote?


Well, by now, Ace in the Hole has 16,619 votes, and an average score of 8.2.

And by now, IMDb posts its formula for computing the weighted rating used for the Top 250 down at the bottom of that page. Here it is as of today; note the minimum is "currently 25,000" "regular voters":

The formula for calculating the Top Rated 250 Titles gives a true Bayesian estimate:

weighted rating (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C


R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating)
v = number of votes for the movie = (votes)
m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (currently 25000)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 7.0)

For the Top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered.


