MovieChat Forums > Ace in the Hole (1951) Discussion > Rumour Has It - Coming on DVD!

Rumour Has It - Coming on DVD!

According to Digital Bits the DVD of this classic is in preparation. No official announcement as yet, but they have it on a large list of films currently being prepared for release. This according to their "sources".


Bewdy mate - I hope so. This current mine disaster in Tasmania, Australia is what prompted my memory to dredge it up from the past.....I saw it as a young child and can see a leetle bit of a parallel in the media hype going on here at present.


To redape24, I saw this movie on foxtel a couple of years ago ans as soon as the media moved into Tasmania for the current mine disaster I thought of this film straight away. Its a masterpiece, and I work for a newspaper!


redape24: The Tasmanian mine disaster continues to parallel the movie with the death of Richard Carleton. I recall Carleton from time I've spent in Australia, including two months late last year (I'm Canadian). Not to suggest there was a likeness between this fine reporter and the one played by Douglas in the film. I've just finished reading Robert Hughes's history of the settling of Australia, 'The Fatal Shore'. Much of it centered in Tasmania. What horrors that natural paradise has witnessed. Hopefully they'll be able to rescue these two trapped men. No way to even imagine the anxiety and claustrophobia etc. they must be suffering. In the film the trapped miner is nearly driven out of his mind but the constant pounding of the drilling apparatus. Hell all around.


I hope this will be released on DVD one of these days. I've been dying to see Ace in the Hole for quite a while now.

"Dry your eyes baby, it's out of character."


Ace in the Hole (aka The Big Carnival) is indeed one of Wilder's overlooked masterpieces. Fantastic period picture, with Douglas at his swarmiest. Few people realize, however, this was based on the true story of Kentucky farmer Floyd Collins, who got trapped in Sand Cave in 1925, and soon become a national folk hero. Go to this link for much more info:

The real reporter won a Pulitzer Prize for his interviews with Collins while trapped in the cave.

I have this movie on VHS and would love to have a pristine copy on DVD.


The Collins incident is mentioned in the picture when Douglas informs the young photographer about the huge news story that developed, including the reporter winning the Pulitzer Prize.


Hi Scottmay4,

Couldn't help wondering if it was possible to have you send a copy of the video version of this great film

I am in Australia and as a few other messages have shown we are currently living out the almost exact situation with our miners in Tasmania! Needless to say nobody here in the media is going to show this movie for quite a while!

So can I ask where you are and if possible could you make a copy? I will pay all your reasonable costs and postage.

my direct e-mail is [email protected]




Go to type in "Ace in the hole" under titles. They have it listed coming soon and you can put in your email address to get info on when it will be released.


Well, i guess this pretty much settles it... Criterion indeed will bring us Ace in the Hole as well as another one of my favorites... IF. Great news, though i´m sad a deal couldn´t be reached regarding The African Queen. Paramount... if you ain´t playing with it, let someone else play. Still, it´s great great news.


Great day in the mornin'!

Anyone who thinks something is totally fool proof has underestimated the ingenuity of total fools.


A Criterion exec has stated "Ace" will be "in stores" (her quote) in July. Here's hoping.... The Criterion website posts upcoming releases three months in advance so this should show up there sometime in April if the July release is accurate.


And it's official. Criterion's newsletter has confirmed it.


Indeed, it has been officially confirmed now. And as stated, if it is indeed scheduled for a July release, it shall be announced next month at around this time, as any day now the June releases should be announced. Also, apparently confirmed for July is Les Enfants Terribles (Jean-Pierre Melville) for any Melville fans on here.


Regarding Les Enfants Terribles, Nicole Stéphane died two days ago.



Criterion DVD hint that they will release it in their latest newsletter.


God, I love Criterion :)


I only wishing they were handling Lonely are the Brave, the other Kik Douglas masterpiece!


Okay, let's see how thorough Criterion really is. Did anyone ever notice that for some reason (I suspect it has to do with the film's title card being changed and as a result slightly screwed up) that under the title, where it says "Paramount Pictures Corporation" in small letters, there's an empty space between these words? Ordinarily a miniature Paramount logo was inserted there (look at any other Paramount film from the 40s to the 60s), and clearly one was meant to have been here as well. This gap is present on prints of both titles, ACE IN THE HOLE and THE BIG CARNIVAL.

So, the question -- will Criterion notice it and restore the mini-logo? I love Criterion, but I'm betting not -- they probably didn't pick up on it. But I hope I'm wrong.

It would also be great if they found and added as an extra the variation on the Paramount logo that Billy Wilder wanted to use and apparently actually shot and put in the preview version of the film. According to a biographer, the desert background was the same, with the arc of Paramount stars, but instead of the mountain the space was open. A live rattlesnake then slithered "into" the center of the logo, reared back and struck toward the camera, hissing and baring its fangs. Reportedly, when this version was shown people jumped in their seats and at least one woman screamed in panic. No wonder the studio made Wilder cut it out and use the regular logo. (Maybe that's how the "little logo" got lost.) If this piece of film still exists -- unfortunately, that seems exceedingly unlikely -- it would be fantastic to see. As if the film weren't hard-hitting enough!




Saw it on TV today and loved this movie! I'd buy it in a minute.
