Lucy hires a maid

This is one of the few times that I really thought Ricky wasn't treating Lucy well. It should have been his job to interview the maid, set the standards, and then be in charge of hiring/firing. First of all it was his idea to get her a maid (it was a gift and she shouldn't have to put work in in order to receive a gift), secondly he was the one who had experience in business and conducting interviews. Of course Lucy was going to screw up the hiring process, she didn't know what she was doing and Ricky knew it.


I agree, but I thought he rarely treated her well to be honest.


Disagree. First, this wasn't a "gift", for heaven's sake. It was a decision based upon Lucy's lack of sleep and overall exhaustion.

Ricky had to leave for the club and he asked Lucy to handle it, as she was the one who would be working with her all day, not Ricky. Makes perfect sense.

Where the episode falls apart is in BOTH Lucy and Ricky being afraid to fire the woman. As if creating that awful mess and then having to clean it up after would've been preferable to simply calling the AGENCY and telling THEM she was no longer needed.


Yeah I can't imagine Ricky being afraid to fire a maid! He was a professional musician and he probably had a lot to say about hiring and firing ( if it became necessary), the people in his band.

Also, Lucy was taking a HUGE risk in making that mess. How did she know Mrs. Porter wouldn't take one look at the disaster and say, "I quit!". I know I would've quit!


Uh, isn't that what Lucy intended? - Mrs. Porter sees the mess and quits? That way, Lucy wouldn't have to fire her?


Uh, I gotta go back and watch that episode. It's been a I recall Lucy saying to Ethel that after Mrs. Porter cleaned up, Lucy planned to tell her, "We get that messy everyday." She was sure that would cause Mrs. Porter to quit.

I don't think Lucy intended to clean up that gigantic mess herself.


Yes it was, Ricky decided to get her a maid because he wanted her to have help with taking care of Little Ricky, it absolutely was a gift. And Ricky knew that conducting an interview wasn’t something Lucy was up to, he was the man of the house he should have lead the interview. Sure Lucy should have been there to give her opinion but Ricky should have been in charge of the whole thing. Ricky even said “This is your project” actually it wasn’t, it was his idea.


Wrong on all counts. It was a BUSINESS decision. And Ricky had no idea Mrs. Porter would be so intimidating. He was expecting a professional maid who would take orders.


Then Ricky should have grown a pair and stood up to her, he couldnt’ expect Lucy to do it.



Very good point.


