A fan of cowboy shows

As a fan of the late 40s and early 50s cowboy shows, I had completely forgotten about this one. So I thought i would just stop by and say that this, along with Roy, Gene, Hop, Range Rider, Lone Ranger etc. were some of the best television shows for kids to grow up on that I have ever seen. Good guys vs bad guys with a little mystery and romance sometimes thrown in for good measure. Thank you Guy Madison for your contribution to my wonderful TV childhood on the range.

"We're going to need a bigger boat..."



I agree, but, don't forget 'Sky King' and 'The Cisco Kid' among a few more.


Ah yes, Cisco Kid, I forgot about him. But Sky King didn't fall into the same category to me. But don't get me wrong, I was a big fan, but felt that it more was like Spin and Marty--set out west, but too modern to fall into the cowboys I liked to watch. I even began to lose interest in Roy when Nelliebell was part of his show.

"We're going to need a bigger boat..."
