Finally a good shootout

In all the Westerns I have seen the shootouts in the end have been good but bland in some sense. Not this one, I love how they just kept shooting as if they were letting the anger get the best of them. And it lasted more than a minute. Maybe it was the repeating rifles, but I liked it nonetheless.


Couldn't agree more. And the attention to detail in this one.... the richochets, the fragments of shattered rock. that was a well done action scene.


Considering the remarkable accuracy both men showed in the shooting contest - hitting bulls in the target and coins in mid-air - neither was much good at shooting each other. Let's put it down to the mutual hatred causing them to be unable to shoot straight!


That was the weakest part of the movie. They can shoot a bullet through a small hole - mid-air no less, but can't kill each other even though they had a clear shot more than once. It could/should have been a much, much better shoot-out.

"I'm a gentleman's gentleman, and you're no bloody gentleman !"


That is a good point. That shootout was far from realistic (and seems cornier the more I think about it). But this is 50's westerns and the fight is exciting! I didn't really notice or care when watching it.


Hitting a target is a lot easier when the target is not shooting back at you. Still, for such good shots, as these men were, you'd think they could easily hit a 6 foot target without to much difficulty.

He who fights and runs away, lives to run away again!


I loved the shootout. The scene was white knuckle with each man clinging to the rock and Stewart slowly making his way uphill. Good stuff!

"Your only hunger will be for power. Your only thirst will be for vengeance." Lex Luthor


Yeah - for instance, I thought the bloodless, sterile final shootouts were a major shortcoming in the likes of Rio Bravo or High Noon. Here, it was pretty ferocious.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Hmmm, if one had killed the other with an accurate first shot, the picture would've ended!

"May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?"
