Rare showing on the BBC

TWND, a film that deserves a viewing, appeared this morning on BBC2 (UK). Hopefully this means more showings on the Beeb over the next few months.

Well worth a watch.


I must admit I rather like the film. he romantic parts are somewhat dated- it's very much a product of it's time, but the rest of it is pretty good, especially showing a cordial relationship between the US and British armies rather than the more cynical representations in modern productions.

"I was left in no doubt as to the severity of the hangover when the cat stamped into the room."


Just watched it on iplayer and agree with Hotrodder: all those cut-glass accents, and " i do love you terribly, darling"s are cringingly dated now, but the film largely managed to avoid sentimentality and the gloss of propaganda. The battle scenes were great for their time- I've never seen so many Shermans and Cruisers in a movie.
Also thought the repeated justification of the British army's slow advance across France compared to the Americans was interesting. It was obviously a sore point at the time (1950), and a canard which is often repeated to this day in movies.
Great stuff.

