Mrs Yorke's dress...

When Maureen O'Hara as Mrs Yorke makes her entrance sitting in the covered wagon she is helped down by a trooper but as she reaches the ground her dress snags on the wagon and she untangles it. Is the dress snagging a goof or part of the action to delay her from seeing John Wayne as he walks up to the wagon to greet her?

I've always wondered.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges. I dont have to show you any stinking badges!"


I think it is deliberate to, as you say, delay the face-to-face with Kirby. My theory is that perhaps on the first take, the dress was caught and Ford said, wait a minute - let's keep that in.

You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.


Thankyou misspaddylee, I think you are correct in saying Ford wanted to keep the dress snagging on the wagon in the scene and I can imagine that may have taken a few 'takes' as it was a breezy location shoot.

I just hope that the prickly personality of Ford and the easy-going but not- to-be-messed-about-with irish temperament of Miss O'Hara did'nt have a falling out if the wind blew the dress off it's 'mark'.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges. I dont have to show you any stinking badges!"
