MST3K Rules!!!

This episode was ok but MST3K Rules!!!

"Video games friggin' rule man!" -Confucious 256 B.C.


It rules in its stools! Always thot this flick was trimmed down from an old serial, but can't find that out anawhere. Gawd saving the king (if there is one.)

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


Favourite jokes:

"Like Moses on the rock, I had my first doubt about radar."

"Love radar. Give yourself to it freely."

"They called it Moby Car!"

"That's a full acre of car."

"I'm afraid radar can't look into their hearts sir."


Man, I just watched this, not 5 minutes ago on MST- sort of an obscure episode, me and my GF laughed our buns off- RADAR. Ha, they don't make them like this anymore.


"I wish I was married to a girl who works at a restaurant". Mike: "aim here there".


I don't think the clowns who made this film had the faintest idea what radar is.

"I wish I was married to a girl who works at a restaurant". Mike: "aim here there".

Actual line, without autocorrect: "Aim high, Ted."
