Johnny Weismuller

He actually was born in Romania, so he spoke with an accent. Other then Tarzan he really never was a "good actor" To be honest,the scripts,were cheapie,the budget was small for these B movies. It was a cheapie operation. No one ever heard of any these actors. This is Hilarious, Gorilla men chasing Jungle Jim, in California. Sometimes they threw in stock shots of Tigers,Leopards, Lions,and little pedigree dogs. The "natives" are supposed to be from North Africa. But the script is hilarious, Thank God for TCM for these fun movies. I might have watched these on the big screen in the 1950's they were the B movie after the main feature movie and the cartoons, I love these movies.


Weissmuller was Tarzan but away from that role his limits were exposed. The Jungle Jim series were so bad that even his Tarzan lite role could not save it.

Its that man again!!
