
This a classic no doubt;

Granger is perfect in the lead(what a tan lol).Kerr is a great foil for Granger.

Carlson does a nice turn.There's plenty of suspense,danger and romance-but,visually this pic is striking.It gives a sweep of the dark continent and has scenes of interest that are breath-taking.Heck,there's even a treasure to be found !
What is unique,moreover,are the wonderfully rhythmic,primitive drumming starting with the credits which still gives me "goosebumps."

It is a call to high adventure...


I never tire of watching this great film. Granger, Kerr, and Siriaque are fabulous, and the scenery and native dances are spell-binding.

Nothing makes an adventure film work better than having the stars play it totally straight, taking their roles as seriously as if they were doing Tennessee Williams. That's the performance the cast gives here.

We are doomed.


The natives are the best part, they are beautiful in their way, mesmerizing. I wonder how different Africa is NOW after all these years..


Natives appear quite effectively authentic;

bet there has been vast changes thru 66 yrs worth..


I'm enjoying watching it for the first time. Filming it in the villages in the different countries in Africa was a stroke of genius. The Watussi compound was awesome!


Envy thou watching it for the first time !



Agree !

Never tire of seeing this masterpiece ~


