US votes


US voters gave this movie

290 29.2% 1

almost 95% of all "1" came from USA


it is not first time i notice something like this


Unfortunately Americans are fixated on entertainment value and many times cannot realize and appreciate art when they see it.


Way to generalize. I'm a citizen of the U.S. (I assume that's what you mean by "American") and I think this movie's great.

Art is as valuable as the artist makes it, but also as the viewer or listener makes it. An opinion about art is never really right.


I wonder how much time per day the average European spends looking for reasons to bash Americans. This certainly isn't the first time I've seen something like this pointed out.

I always think it's funny how quick certain people are to collectively judge and criticize Americans, while denouncing racism in the same breath. I figured such uber-scholarly people like yourselves could understand a simple concept like irony. Or am I generalizing as well?


Exactly! Cool user name, too!


Also, it's hard to put it into perspective when we don't know what percentage of the overall users on IMDB are American/"European".

"Cabbages. Knickers. It's not got a beak!"


I didn't say all Americans cannot appreciate art films. I'm an American myself. I'm saying that for the most part when an American goes into a movie they look to be entertained on a surface level, rather than studying the film and its themes. If you look at the history of cinema European films are much more experimental and thought-provoking. That doesn't make them better, it's just a different approach to an art form.


Well, you cannot argue against statistics.

135 females aged 45+ gave this movie an average of 3.3. Are they the ones at fault?


I guess all old women hate art.


And catholic priests.


Way to conveniently ignore the many European films made purely for commercial reasons. Just look at sexploitation films, they practically invented those. Ask anybody in Europe, 90% of their movies and tv shows are crap too, but we predominantly see only the good ones. Imagine how much higher American film would be esteemed if our stupid movies and rap albums never got exported, and the only American films Europeans saw were the works of Lynch, Malick, the Brothers Coen, etc. They'd think we were all raving geniuses.


In France 80% of the French films are about French cinema. We used to have great comedies because of some great comedians like De Funès, Bourvil and to a lesser extent Coluche (who was the most popular stand up comedian in the 70s and 80s, as a sort of proletarian clown, and proved to be a good dramatic actor in Tchao Pantin). But recently the only brilliant comic actor we have is Dujardin - his OSS117 is just over the top.
TV series used to be flat, dull and boring. Only recently there's been real creativity with Engrenages (Spiral).
The thing with anglophone cinema is that the anglophone world has had Shakespeare. When sound happened to cinema, Hollywood just mixed Shakespeare with Wagner to produce the greatest shows on celluloid. France only had a great comedy playwright, Molière. But our classic dramatic authors, Racine and Corneille, are terribly boring. Of course there are Hugo, Marivaux, etc. but nobody that can incarnate a whole culture with his sole name like old Billy.
Then with WW2 and the Nazi invasion of Europe, great artists and producers, either Jewish or antifascist by conviction, like Thomas Mann for example, moved to safer countries like Britain and the USA, thus concentrating the best of European culture from every country in the English language that, combined with the sympathy earned during the war, made it the de facto lingua franca until today.
Speaking of Bresson, he has influenced American cinema through Paul Schrader's essay and his own work as writer in films like Taxi Driver that uses many narrative techniques invented by Bresson.



I love American movies but even Woody Allen has admitted that his movies (especially the dramas) have been more popular in Europe than in America, because of the European influences in his movies. Hollywood, generally speaking, is more about entertainment.


Oh, not that you're baiting us, but since Americans work on the average 7 hours a week more than Europeans, maybe we're too tired to stay awake for slow movies.


Don't get mad at the Europeans just because the US has crappy labor laws.

Janet! Donkeys!




America sucks! Down with America! Although, I do like to watch their films, eat their food, act like them, be like them...
