quote of the day

Imdb has used the exact same quote from this film as their quote of the day twice in a month.

"Blues isn't about feeling better. It's about making other people feel worse"


It's Sunday July 15th 2007, and the quote

"It was his story against mine, but of course, I told my story better."
is the quote of the day once again.

Did he train you? Did he rehearse you? Did he tell you *exactly* what to do, what to say?!


Yah. They must really love it.

"Blues isn't about feeling better. It's about making other people feel worse"


April 10th, 2008: It's the quote of the day yet again. It's a good piece of dialogue that Bogart delivers perfectly, but someday--SOMEDAY--I'm hoping that my signature will be the Quote of the Day:

I was born when she kissed me
I died when she left me
I lived a few weeks while she loved me



They used it again today, june 5th. Finally, a quote I know!
