The Flying Saucer

I remember when this film came out. I was twelve years old, and living in Great Falls, Montana. It was wintertime. As a promotion for the film, the theater hired an pilot to drop paper plates with a movie poster and one free ticket glued to them. The pilot dumped all the plates out of the plane at the same time.(It was very cold and he had to open the door of his small plane) Well, all the plates stuck together and fell into the park next to my neighborhood. I gathered them up and trudged through the snow to my house. I had to make five trips to get them all. I pulled apart the plates and dried them. After putting on my boy scout uniform, I took the plates from door to door and sold them for a quarter a piece, ostensibly for the boy scouts. Everyone bought one. They had dropped about a hundred of them, and I sold all of them for a tidy profit of $25. which was a lot of money then for a twelve year old. I never did see the movie.


What a cool story. :-D Thanks for sharing that! It was a WHOLE lot of money for a twelve year old at that time. You were rich! I especially like the Boy Scout uniform -- nice touch, twelve-year-old dhenke!!


Yes, nothing like some homespun larceny. (I'd like to know how the OP knew what the pilot did.) Anyway, after all that effort his real luck, apart from profiting by lying to and cheating others, was in never seeing the film. He may be the only person on the planet who remembers this movie without ever actually having watched it.

