MovieChat Forums > Cinderella (1950) Discussion > What's wrong with bagging the rich guy?

What's wrong with bagging the rich guy?

Since when a poor girl should be condemned for dreaming of bagging the rich guy?
Who's also nice and hot?

Not to mention that in this story, she is happy to go to the ball for participating at the party, where she happens to meet the hot rich guy, and he happens to like her too.
What's wrong with this scenario? She didn't plan to go to the ball to "seduce" this guy.

It seems to me it's quite a nice fairy tale for little girls: this is ONE scenario, it's never said it's the ONLY possibility for poor girls. So why all the hate against Cinderella and her tale?


Because gold-digging (in the metaphorical sense) is not an honorable profession. Do you think she would have wanted to "bag" him if he wasn't rich and royal?


probably, she looked pretty lonely and miserable


Oh honey, that girl was so desperate for a bit of love, and food and a bed to sleep in, that she'd probably have married the local 80-year-old undertaker just to get away from her horrible family.
But instead of doing what miserable abused girls did in those days, which was to marry someone horrible or run away and end up working the streets, she married the hot rich guy and ended up with money AND a title AND love! And her family were sorry that they'd been mean!

And that's the difference between fiction, and fairy tales. In fairy tales, the protagonist gets everything their heart might possibly desire.


Oh honey, that girl was so desperate for a bit of love, and food and a bed to sleep in, that she'd probably have married the local 80-year-old undertaker just to get away from her horrible family.

That is probably more true than we'd like to imagine, sadly enough.
So it's no wonder that she falls in love with a young and handsome guy at the ball.
(And she didn't know yet that it was the prince.)


Of course in real life, if a abused and isolated girl falls madly in love with the first good-looking guy she sees, it doesn't end that well.

Unless you like babies.


liscarkat, you are a phenomenon at moronic replies.
Yes genius, she would have wanted to "bag" him if he wasn't rich and royal!
Have you even seen the movie?
Isn't it clear that they had a great time together and that they fell in love at first sight?
In what moment does it seem to you that she's a golddigger that wants him for his money or position?
He's a great looking fella, a great guy, treats her perfectly, dances with her amazingly....what the hell else do you think a poor girl, trapped in a tower, living with rats, bullied by her family 24/7, should want from a guy?


heisenberg, as a mental retard you missed the whole point. Cheers, and keep trying.


Actually, you seem to be the one to miss the point.


Her step-sister are the gold diggers


Cause the movie is suppose to be a fairy tale teach a lesson that good people deserve a happy ending.


Oddly, Ba(n)gging the rich guy in OK in the Several Shades universe. That's the one feminists like .


That is one shitty fairy tale, but there too, if they like each other, why him being a millionaire should be a problem? Why is that one ok but Cinderella is ashamed?


The movie romanticizes gold digging. That is the problem with the movie. The underlying message is that if you're poor, have no skill or prospects, you don't actually have to improve yourself or do anything to lift yourself from your circumstances if you're beautiful (as in learn a trade, develop a craft, develop a personality). Just stand there, look pretty, and a handsome rich guy will be along shortly to marry you.


Well unfortunately most woman of beauty want men of means. Not all but most.

If there is a handsome guy say making 30k to 40k a year and a plain looking chubby guy making 250k a year. Beautiful middle class girl dates both. Both men have great personalities and are nice guys. She like them both equally in that regard and is attracted to the handsome one.....when she finds out what they make...who do you think she will work for harder???


This attitude that you're talking about is not true of how most beautiful women think and act in most of the world. It's only true of women who grew up in so-called economically depressed areas of the country and world (especially Eastern Europe).


You wrote a nice pumpkin carriage of bullshit.
She is NOT digging anything other than his charm and appeal.
She had no trouble improving herself and lifting herself above her troubles on her own, she certainly was not standing there, looking pretty waiting for somebody to marry her.
She was already the most beautiful, kind, intelligent etc in her house, and possibly her city.

He just helps her set herself free, nothing wrong with that, and not like she won't be able to do it anyway on her own later on.
Your attitude smells of pride of the lowest quality, there is no evil in accepting other's kindness and help.


There is a famous female businesseswoman (sorry forget her name) who was
recently conducting a lecture at Stanford University. During the lecture she stated to the females in her class "Ladies, if you plan on marring and starting a family, there is no better time in your life to find a man of high quality than now." This caused ripples across the campus.

She received much flack from women's rights and feminist groups for the statement, and a nasty letter from the Truck drivers union of America.


She should have been stoned to death publicly in Stanford's main square.
Finding a man of high quality? That is blasphemy!

Why would a WOMAN, of all the possibilities available, want a MAN, to marry and to start a family?
And not just any man, but one of high quality...her insinuations are baffling!
What is this world coming to?
