MovieChat Forums > Born Yesterday Discussion > Bill Holden is hot with those glasses

Bill Holden is hot with those glasses

I'm not a big Holden fan, but I think he is gorgeous in this movie. Okay, it's not a great thread, but does anyone else find him just divine in Born Yesterday? The glasses are very sexy- he should have always worn them.

And while we're on the topic of Bill Holden, 1950 was a pretty big year for him, wasn't it? Born Yesterday and Sunset Boulevard? That's an amazing contribution to the movies in such a short time.

I need to get my drink on- Pearl


Umm hum.. He was so sexy.


I thoroughly and wholeheartedly concur. I have a weakness for a good-looking man wearing glasses. Daniel Craig wearing glasses in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo just about does me in.
