Berlin After WW2

IF the look of the city and the life of Berlin's people after WW2 is of interest,
I would recommend Rossellinni's GERMANIA ANNO ZERO aka Germany Year Zero. Available from Amazon on DVD now.

Edmund, a young boy who lives in a desolate Germany after the World War 2 has to live by his wits to help his family survive.

The unsentimental portrait of life on the edge after the 'great' men have exited the stage is gripping.


The story of post-war really is compelling - the book A Higher Call by Adam Makos includes first-person experiences of a German pilot after the war and paints a vivid picture of what it was like for anybody to survive during those days.
Somewhere tucked away in my attic are the letters my mother wrote to, and received from, a young German woman after the war and presumably during the airlift - many Americans had pen-pals there during those days, and I read a few of them years ago. They really changed my attitude toward the German people in general during and after the war.
