End scene quite memorable

*spoilers ahead*

The scene with Dix lying dead in the grassy field of his Kentucky farm, with several horses calmly grazing on the grass right beyond his lifeless face. Wow, that was starkly poetic. One of the most memorable end shots I've ever seen.

"I've always tried to teach you two things. First: Never let them see you bleed. Second: Always have an escape plan." - Q


I saw it the other night and tears came to my eyes.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


Very well done!

Great movie overall!

My favorite parts are the ones with Emmerich and his sweetheart. I was also quite impressed with the scene where the head cop finally gets Angela to tell the truth about the night of the heist. I love the blunt way he talked to her!

Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


The horses seemed to come up to him and one smelled him. I wondered if this ending had any significance either in relation to his character or the film.

Keep silent unless what you are going to say is more important than silence.



With the great Cedric Gibbons as MGM production designer, it's not surprising that the ending scene was filmed in Lexington, Kentucky. The wooden-slat and stone fences of horse farms - thoroughbred and ordinary - are visible today.

E pluribus unum


It was visually amazing but seemed a bit contrived. Had he been that close to death, he would not have been able to operate a car during that long drive.


Memorable indeed, and also one of the best.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!



Stunning ending. The wide shot of the farm is so freeing after the claustrophobic asphalt jungle. Then the horses gather around Dix showing the sort of love and healing only horses can give. Thanks, John.


Actually, I think that the movie should have ended with the four police radios working all at once in the Police Commissioner's office. That would have been a symbolic way to end the movie. The scene with the farm and horses was a bit out of character for this movie. Or if you absolutely insist on having the farm scene in the movie, then it should have been shown earlier. The radio scene should have been the very last one.
