MovieChat Forums > Alice in Wonderland (1951) Discussion > Poster Image for this listing

Poster Image for this listing

The poster image attached to this film's imdb listing is wrong. It's for the 1951 Walt Disney version of "Alice in Wonderland", and should be removed.


I agree. Especially considering the release dates of both films are pretty close.

Dee, you gangly, uncoordinated bitch! I am not getting hogtied over your lack of grace! - Dennis


I tried to tell them about it, but was told:

This correction has been rejected. You need to correct this correction before it will be accepted.
Photo/poster corrections are currently closed
Photo/poster corrections are awaiting migration to a new system and are not currently being processed. Submissions are on hold.

So maybe the incorrect poster will stay there for another couple of years😕

I can't be bothered with a signature


Let's see if this bumps this discussion higher on the board.

(I know it will, I'm just trying to be clever.)
