TCM screening

I am a huge Hitchcock fan but have never seen UC, so I was excited to see it show up on TCM.

I'm trying to watch it now, but the print is so bad it's almost blurry. I've only gotten ten minutes in, but between the blurry faded image and the constant flashing white spots, I dunno how long I can last.

This has to be the worst print of a film that I've ever seen on TCM. Guess it was the best available. Too bad.


The print made it really hard to enjoy this movie, as well as the poor sound quality. I could tell that there was something in this movie that I would really enjoy - individual scenes were very good and the camera work was incredible, but I just couldn't get into the movie as a whole. Being tired when I watched it also didn't help.

I'll have to watch this again, maybe I'll eventually try to find it on DVD or Blu-ray. I know watching a better version than the TCM print will make the film much more enjoyable.

My short films:


I forced myself to plow through the rest of this thing...the smaller TV in the bedroom and being half-asleep helped some. But still, it must have taken me six sessions to finally get through this movie.

I accept that it's not Hitch's usual thriller, that it's a melodrama...but what a hokey, dated, old-fashioned melodrama it is, even taking "period piece" into consideration. All that arch, over-enunciated, slow delivery. Pick. It. Up.

What is Ingrid Bergman doing? The way she flaunts about, dragging out her words. I just wanted to scream, "Just finish the damn sentence!" And no, I don't think whatever she was on would make anyone talk like that.

Luckily, things picked up a bit the last few minutes, when Maid Molly became more ... overt. Plus, she provided the one brief moment of suspense in the film.

I'm trying hard not to hate this movie, I really am.


Yes, it's somewhere between a watercolor and a third generation VHS tape.


it also was advertised as CC, but wasn't. The scenes were dragged out by Hitch, not Ingrid's fault, she had to try and keep it alive, Poor girl
