Did Anna know????

I've watched this movie multiple times, and there is still one plot point I am not sure of. The film makes a very deliberate point of showing Anna's refusal to throw ashes on the grave in the beginning, when the body being put in the grave is not Lime's, it then does show her doing it at the end when the body is his. Is this supposed to be interpreted that Anna knew all along that Harry was alive, and the whole show of sadness over his death is nothing more than an act to throw Holly off track? (After all, she was an actress) Or, if that is not the correct interpretation, then what was the point of the ashes?


I think she knew, because of that detail, but I did not notice it until several viewings (it is one of my favourite movies of all time). So you might want to black out some of your post with the "spoiler" feature :-)


I don't think she knew despite the ashes scenes. If she knew then all the stuff with Holly was fake, which I don't think It was. Are some of us being to hard on her. Maybe all the stuff that went on made her just want to get away from him. She was grieving for a loved one, not a good time to approach someone as his replacement.


No, I don't think she knew.

