What Esther Said

In the "Danny Kaye" thread, someone mentioned that they got the impression that the filming of this movie was not a happy experience for the principals. According to Esther Williams in her autobiography, she pretty much confirms that. She talks about how she was ostracized by Kelly and Donen because they had wanted Judy Garland for her role, and felt that they had gotten "stuck" with her. She said that Kelly was intimidated because he was shorter than her, and made her do all kinds of strange contortions with her body so that it wouldn't be noticeable. She also said that Kelly and Donen were constantly slamming her with put-downs, which she chalked up to their wanting Judy and Gene's self-consciousness about his height. So at least for Esther, it doesn't seem to have been a happy film shoot.


Esther handled it as a pro. I could not tell at all that she was unhappy from the film. She seemed to be having a good time. She was not outstanding, but she handled the difficult role of a woman baseball team owner very well.


Esther Williams was a better actress than she's given credit for. She was believable in her screen roles, very often having to work with silly or non-existent plotlines.


Kelly was a shrimp. A HOT shrimp but a shrimp nonetheless.

My mother used to tell me the reason she didn't care for his movies was because he "was so short."

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"



As far as my research Sinatra was not involved in the "teasing" and treatment of Williams. It was mostly Stanley Donen and Kelly. Previous comments are correct, Kelly was not happy that Williams was in the film. He first wanted Judy Garland to play the role, but Judy's drug and alcohol issues were still an issue. She had recently done WORDS and MUSIC but only could do two numbers because of fatigue and her "issues." Kelly also wanted Kathryn Grayson. But, alas, Freed and MGM went down their list of starlets and chose Williams.

Years later Donen was going to direct one of Williams' films and she vehemently fought it. Donen apologized for his actions but she felt it was "too late."

Ironically, if you listen to Comden and Green's Lyrics at the closing number both Garland and Grayson are mentioned. Funny.




This was filmed around the same time as Judy Garland's disastrous time filming "Annie Get Your Gun," from which she was eventually fired.

Busby Berkeley directed "Ballgame" and Garland's disdain of Berkeley and his directing style was legendary, so it wouldn't have been the best match. (Oddly, Berkeley was also initially assigned to "Annie Get Your Gun.") She probably would never have been able to complete "Ballgame" even if Gene Kelly got her.


I've just finished reading Esther's biography and I have to say that I am so disappointed on how Kelly mistreated her. I am such a fan of him & his work. It's disheartening to know he could be so cruel.
With that said, I understand that we are all human, we're all flawed and make mistakes. He's still one of my my top 4 favorites - I still love Esther Williams, Rock Hudson, Ava Gardner & Gene Kelly!!

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My sentiments are similar. While I'm an avid collector of Kelly films and while I admire his general stances on social/political issues, it leaves a bitter taste to know that he was awful to both Williams and Debbie Reynolds (on the Singin' in the Rain set). Then again, as you say, we all have feet of clay.

Please click on "reply" at the post you're responding to. Thanks.


If you look into Gene Kelly's history you will find that many stars disliked him. He made Debbie Reynolds cry and terrified Donald O'Connor in "Singing in the Rain". He was known as a tyrant and was determined to get his own way no matter what. From what I have read he had an inferiority complex and it made him hard to work with.


I'm so shocked about what Gene Kelly was like.
I took notice of him back on New Year's Day in 2000 when Anchors Away was on tv. I thought he was the most talented, most handsome man from Old Hollywood.

Started to collect his movies which then recently lead me to collecting Esther Williams & Rock Hudson movies.

Then a couple of months ago I read Esther Williams' biography. Was totally floored & blown away to read how he treated her! And now to read how he treated other people! How dare he!! The image I had of him is blown!!
