
Van Johnson has a fight scene in the bedroom of an informant he sneaks in to visit. When the fight breaks out, there is loud big band music that is the exact same music used in the "Asphalt Jungle" scene when Sam Jaffe (Doc) gets caught by Police because he is captivated watching a young girl dance to jukebox music in a roadside cafe.

Cannot find any info on this composition, although it sounds like something written by Pete Rugulo or Stan Kenton.


Hi. Thanks for spotting this. TCM aired "Scene of the Crime" this past Friday, and I remembered it from "The Asphalt Jungle", which came out a year later. It's supposed to appear in 1954's "Rogue Cop", as well: I think it's a great song, which I'll always associate with that great scene in "The Asphalt Jungle", which is one of my favorite Noirs and movies, period. 

"No, I don't like to cook, but I have a chicken in the icebox, and you're eating it."


Probably composed by Andre Previn for "Scene of the Crime" to sound like an energetic swing tune of the period, then reused in "Asphalt Jungle". One of Previn's other careers was as a jazz arranger.
