
Jess is wounded so badly that he can't tell his brother the name of his killer (He knows it's Nick because Rocky told him), but he manages to gasp out the words "written in bible?" Ridonkulous. And Raft is another one of those wooden actors. I just don't get how people consider him one of the greats.


You missed the point of the entire movie. The brother didn't want him to kill his murderer, so he directed him to the Bible.


OK I admit I didn't think of it that way, considering I'm a heathen and all. Thanks for pointing that out.


Well it's kinda hokey regardless; hardly your "hard boiled" noir with all that in-your-face evangelical moralizing. And although the acting is stilted allover the place, Raft does indeed stand out with another one of his blankly stiff performances. Overall a rather sub-par crime yarn that wastes its good, dark looks on otherwise clumsily handled, corny story. Tiomkin's score is working overtime as well pushing the overwrought solemnity as far as it can.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
