Row, Row, Row Your Boat

I always wished that Led Zeppelin or Van Halen (David Lee Roth 1st era) would do a version of this classic but I must say that the cast of this movie really did a splendid rendition of the good old rockin' tune 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat'.

I've been looking for an MP3 of the Chipmonk's version of this tune. Does anyone happen to know where I could download a copy of that? I checked iTune's and a couple of the other mainstays but they're all far too lame to have good music like this available on there sites.


"...good music like this available on there sites."

That would be "their sites."

Next year, when you're in 5th grade, perhaps you'll learn.


Also, it's "Chipmunk's version".

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.
