MovieChat Forums > Passport to Pimlico (1949) Discussion > Canadian 'gift' to the Netherlands

Canadian 'gift' to the Netherlands

To clarify one of Critic-50's observations, the Canadian government made a room officially part of the Netherlands so that the Dutch Queen could give birth to her daughter and heir on her "native soil". She was in exile at the time, as the Nazis were occupying Holland during World War II. So it's not as absurd as it initially sounds.


it actuly happens quite a lot, think about monico it's not part of france, a part of britian that was not the same as mainland was at war with russia from 18?? untill 1960 withour realising it


Plus, aren't embassies considered to be 'foreign soil'?


Hello Mikkyogen,
What's all this about part of Britain being at war with Russia without realising? Do you have any more details?


Berwick, in Northumberland, because it's never been very sure whether it's in England or Scotland. Actually it's a bit of a myth, but they enjoy it and have an annual War with Russia weekend.


For the trial of one of the Lockerbie bombers an old army camp in the Netherlands was designated "Scottish Soil".

"Just A Little Bit Further"
