In a review of the new KEN LOACH film THE SPIRIT OF 45,Philip French of the OBSERVER says that this film and others he mentions showed that the rosy view of the post war Labour government is flawed and that the government was not so great and not as popular as people like Loach now claim.

But as I always argue when talking about PASSPORT TO PIMILCO the film's end show the locals having a reconciliation with Britain and its boring,harsh but fair post war rationing.
Of course the government was not perfect,no government ever is,but despite all the spin from right wing historians and left wing fanatics ,the government captured the public mood,so LOACH and the right are both wrong,look how the NHS is still loved by the majority of people.
But people saying that the welfare state started in 1947/1948 should look at the work of a man called LLOYD GEORGE.


i think Passport to Pimlico is actually quite critical of the government, they don't handle the situation particularly well.


They were only narrowly reelected in 1950 - contrast with the 1945 landslide.
