
I really enjoyed this movie, but have a few qualms. I watched the first half before going to bed, but turned it off b/c I didn't want to have creepy dreams, so my perception of the movie might be a bit altered because of watching it in two halfs.

But I feel like the second half is not as good as the first. The first half is mysterious and frightening- "You must be sleepwalking... the dreamer must accept his dreams."

But when I watched the rest of it this morning everything that was mysterious had been explained. The workings of the underworld were fully revealed, and it wasn't any more mysterious than a court system in the world we live now.

It's an interesting insight that the spirit world is the same as ours, but the first half of the film seemed to be building up to something else. Even the scenes when Orpheus and Heuterbise are traveling through "the ruins of memory" and backward through time are very effective, and seem to suggest a darker mysterious Hades than what is ultimately revealed. There are some interesting mysteries left unexplained, but there is too much exposition explaining the rules and roles of the different characters. The thing about mystery is that it is infinitely deep, while a system invented by a person's imagination always ends with the limits of the person.

Still a very cool movie, but I was a bit disappointed by the way things turned out.


There were moments when the female who was Orpheus's death seemed sinister and menacing. She wouldn't have been out of place in a supernatural horror. Learning about her and the underworld destroyed the mystery and made them all more human, which is why the menace and drained away. So I understand what you write. I'm sure that there was some thought about death mirroring life, and vice versa, in reality whilst in life death seems mysterious and sinister when in fact it's with us for much of the way.

Keep silent unless what you are going to say is more important than silence.
