
I could not believe this movie was made way back in 1950,it looked more like the mid-sixties.The print was so crisp and new looking,and everything about it was way ahead of its time,like an early independent movie.I found Jean Marais very sexy and the way they showed off his buttocks in those clinging trousers was erotic.The guys even had they're hair streaked,unheard of in American movies at that time.Maria had a lesbian dominatrix vibe going on,and was quite nasty.


I also noticed how Mauris' trousers outlined his buttocks but I think any homoerotica was unintended.


Marais and Cocteau were on-off lovers. It is fairly safe to say that homoerotica was intentional!


Yes I thought the film was quote homosexy overall, although given than Cocteau was a well know homosexualist this is perhaps not very surprising.


Gay or no gay, I seriously doubt Cocteau would have purposefully cheapened his movie by drawing undue attention to Marais's irrelevant ass.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan

