does joe die

does joe die at the orphanage fire?


Well, to put it this way, they were planning to do a sequel - one that was to feature Tarzan, but since MIGHTY JOE YOUNG did not do great box-office wise, it was ultimately shelved.


"does joe die at the orphanage fire? "

Well, unless you switched off at that point and didn't watch the rest of the film, it's perfectly clear that Joe didn't die as he was back in Africa.



Joe lives.

King Kong dies!


Mighty Joe lived a full life and passed away peacefully in Africa at the age of 39.....Joe's parents were actually neighbors of King Kong. Mighty Joe met and married King Kong's daughter, Mary Ann. They raised 5 children, one of whom went on to become a carrier of the AIDS virus which supposedly originated in the late 1970s' in Africa.


That was freakin' funny! Mary Ann Kong-Young.


Like a previous poster says, did you turn off before the end? Probably one of the daftest posts I read to date and there are some doozies out there.

I am a four eyed evil genius.


It's possible that the OP saw a broadcast that cut out the end scenes after the orphanage scene. Just had to put my two cents in! Have a nice day!

My music is for Phoenix. Only she can sing it. Anyone else who tries, dies.
