Good Acting -Bad Script

This is an example of a so-called "psychological western" popular in the 1949's but it is embarrassingly bad. The character of the judge played by Glen Ford is so unbelievable I found it hard to watch the movie all the way to the end. It's the script not the acting!They were trying so hard to avoid the "white hat -black hat" stereotype they forgot to make the story believable.


The movie did have 2 good lead actors in Ford and Holden. Glenn Ford was postively evil in his role; he reminded me of Oliver Reed. Some of the minor characters were good as well. Still, I think it was more a poor plot than a bad script that brought this movie down. It was way too contrived when Owen got appointed judge immediately after the war ended. And although things got more intricate later on, the whole conflict between the returning soldiers and the mining company was too blunt.


very good acting indeed

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


They were trying so hard to avoid the "white hat -black hat" stereotype they forgot to make the story believable.

I tend to agree. The foundation was laid for a very interesting 1948 western; a Union officer suffering clearly from what we now know as post - traumatic stress disorder and discharged soldiers facing uncertain economic times with apparently nothing in the way of veteran's benefits (in 1865).

But it never really goes any where after the doctor declares there's nothing wrong with Owen despite Del's obvious doubts.

Owen should have been seen to be a flawed character with strengths as well as weaknesses . Instead, post haste, he becomes "the villain" and Del, the hero.

Oh well! For a little while there was a chance this could have been different.



I agree-it was bad acting all around and a preposterous script.

