MovieChat Forums > King of the Rocket Men (1949) Discussion > On BBC 2 in the late 70's early 80's.

On BBC 2 in the late 70's early 80's.

I remember when the BBC showed this when i was a kid. Even at that time i'd seen Star Wars, Star Trek, special effects had come a long way, but i still found this really exciting. I think its a lesson in "how you do it" as oppose to "how much you've got to do it with".


I remember it well, along with the black and white Batman, Superman and Green Hornet series' - and, of course, Tarzan. Great times for TV back then - less channels, but so much great programming.



Yeah, watched it avidly as a kid. The Penelope Pitstop cliffhangers were rubbish - one minute he's going over a cliff, at the start of the episode next week, he's nowhere blummen near it - but otherwise it was great.

Just a painted face on a trip down suicide row
