a movie about his memoirs

They should make a sequel to Kind Hearts & Coronets that depict the memoirs he left behind in prison.

It'd be the exact same film with a slightly different beginning and ending. (In the beginning, a prison guard begins reading the memoirs out loud... depict his murderous rise to dukedom.. at the end, Louis Mazzini grabs the memoirs out of the guard's hand and runs.)

The humor is this film is dry as a saltine.

And, yes, Sir Alec Guinness played like 10 people and he did a fine job. However, would it have killed him to be a TAD more effeminate in his body language during his turn as Lady Agatha?


However, would it have killed him to be a TAD more effeminate in his body language during his turn as Lady Agatha?
I would have liked Lady Agatha's and the Admiral's roles to be at least slightly expanded. They were really brief with only a line or two being spoken by each.🐭


I think that Guinness played Lady Agatha just right. She was supposed to be a bit of a tomboy - not a delicate female or anything like that.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen = 
