Did Henri resign?

I must have missed how Henri was able to walk away from his job in the French Army and follow his wife to America. Did he resign? Was he not on active duty?


He mentioned, at least twice, that his enlistment in the army would be ending in a week, and that the trip to find the lens maker was his final assignment.


Thank you! I wasn't paying close enough attention.


You might want to re watch the whole thing if you missed that there are probably a whole lot you missed. It was kinda of obvious through the whole first half of the movie they talked about it and then in the cafe after he spent the night in jail from the black market raid where he talked to the waiter or who ever that was. Even mentioned how happy he was that the army would no longer be able to force him to work with her again and she said said sorry for ruining his last mission.

John wayne:If you say three you will never hear the man count ten.
