Favorite Scene

My favorite scene is at the end. Cary Grant is dressed up as a woman, and he takes his hat off. His horse wig has a pony tail tied in a ribbon, right on top of his head!!! I just burst out laughing when I saw that. His deadpan expression makes it so funny!!!


the entire movie is my favorite part


My top 2 favorite scenes: # 1: As they start to take off, on the motorcycle with side car, but the mechanic did not (or forgot to) re-connect it back all together. As it appears, "Lieutenant, Catherine Gates" (Ann Sheridan) nearly left "Captain, Henri Rochard" (Cary Grant), when the motorcycle was first started & revved up.
# 2 HAY I nicknamed it "Is there a needle, in that haystack?"


That was good too.

I liked the haystack scene. Predictable, but fun!


....I loved the "Yonkers" exchange between Grant and the guard.


When Grant climbs up the pole to read the road sign :

"What does it say ?"
"Doesn't matter - come down"
"But what does it say ?"
"Wet paint"
"How many miles ?"



I love the part where Grant and the guy are filling out the form and Grant is answering all the questions yes! Are you pregnant? Yes. Are you having female problems? Oh- my aching back. And later says, "I am my wife." LOL

Hey! I’m playing Sims 2, holding my WebKinz, creating creatures with Spore & playing e-Dolz. OKAY?!



lol I know this was posted a while ago, but it was hilarious because I have the movie on right now and it's right at this point and I looked at the lines on here at almost the exact time they said them on the screen - it caught me off guard for a second.
This is seriously one of my favorite movies...


I love the scene in which Cary Grant is trying to sleep in the chair. He can't get into anything but an awkward position, and his hands seem to rise up to his face in order to stare him down. A lot of the slapstick scenes were very familiar—the motorcycle sidecar, the haystack, the wet paint. But the chair scene is unlike anything else—probably because no one but Grant could have made it work.



That scene is great. He just doesn't know what to do with his hands. This scene and when the motorcycle crashes into the haystack were probably the funniest scenes, but there were many others. Hilarious movie.



Enjoyed the first half of the film, up to the haystack, quite a bit more than the second. It just started getting mostly redundant and the spaces between jokes were too long.

Funniest line for us was probably "Brides first!"

Where's your crew?
On the 3rd planet.
There IS no 3rd planet!
Don't you think I know that?



My fav had to be when they are staying in the hotel and the door knob came off. the part where he tries to get comfortable in the chair and his arm just was having none of it. Also when he is messing around knocking back at the innkeepers wife who was knocking on the door. He looked to be having so much fun messing around with that door.

John wayne:If you say three you will never hear the man count ten.
