
I like Cary Grant, always have. He does great in "battle of the sexes" movies, like Bringing up Baby, Father Goose, and any number of others. My wife wanted this, and we tried to watch it, and it was just hideous. Not even remotely funny, (and this would be abysmal scriptwriting, not acting)and just plodding from one stupid scene to another.

"Go get my lipstick!" And he climbs over the train guard when the train is coming? Really?

How did they load a motorcycle with a sidecar in a small rowboat? And worse, how did they get it off? How did this ever get rated above 7? or 4, for that matter?


Those certainly are valid plot holes. And why they made Grant a French officer without a French accent is unclear, lol.

I agree, it certainly isn't funny (not by today's standards).


why would you go by today's standards? Movies have changed a lot since those days. Yes the movie has plot holes but what movie's don't? Also they may have made him a French officer because it may have been harder than for a Englishman to go to the states. I am unsure about that issue though.

John wayne:If you say three you will never hear the man count ten.


Come on.... Its not unwatchable. I don't think its a great movie but its an OK one. It has some funny moments...

6 / 10


I agree. It is contrived, silly, with unsympathetic characters, and not one laugh in the 30 or so minutes I gave it. It's annoying. I had to turn it off!


Not unwatchable but I agree, it's very overrated. People always talk about Grant being in drag but even if you consider this hilarious it's only in the last ten minutes. A lot of the action is contrived and too ridiculous to be truly funny.

As to why Grant played a Frenchman, that's easy: the character he portrays, Henri Rochard, was a real man who wrote the story the film's based on (see the credits). He was actually a Belgian officer who married a female American officer and suffered through some of the bureaucratic problems depicted in the movie. He didn't have to dress up like a woman to enter the States, however. But Grant isn't the least convincing as a Frenchman. Since they changed so much else of the truth for the film, they could and should have made his character English.


Wow! This is just barely funny. With really nothing on TV tonight, I watched this. But, man, few laughs.


It's very watchable, and Sheridan is terrific. How did they get a BMW with a sidecar, probably weighing well over 500 pounds, on and off a small row boat? They most likely used a crane. It would probably be impossible, otherwise. But I can suspend my disbelief when I'm watching a romantic comedy. Someday when I win a few hundred million bucks in the lottery I'll finance a documentary film about getting heavy motorcycles on and off tiny boats. I guarantee it will be 100 percent accurate.
