John Wayne does Stan Laurel

During a period of illness for Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy did two films without
him. One of these was The Fighting Kentuckian. Ollie played the Duke's
sidekick in this.

In this post War of 1812 movie the action takes place in Alabama where Wayne is
trying to court Vera Hruba Ralston. It's established in the film that Hardy is
a fiddler. In one scene Wayne and Hardy crash a party given by Ralston's parents as musicians, fiddlers to be precise. A number is played and Wayne
pretends he's playing the violin. But then each fiddler does a solo turn as
the number calls for.

As each fiddler plays the violin, between his legs, over his head, etc., Wayne
starts to grimace and sweat. It was vintage Stan Laurel. The Duke does everything in the Laurel shtick, but cry. Finally it's Wayne's turn to solo and there'a a pause and then an earsplitting shriek out of the violin he's
playing. The jig was literally up.

For this alone, this film should be seen and preserved.


That was a funny part with the violins ..haha
Loved it!!!


That was great! When I watched it, it didn't occur to me that Wayne basically was Stan Laurel there, but you're absoloutly right. The Duke could be pretty funny when it called for it. I thought he and Oliver Hardy had pretty good chemistry together.

"I know you're in there, Fagerstrom!"-Conan O'Brien


What about the last scene, when Breen tries on Willie's beaver hat, tilits his head, and smiles? It's subtle, but Stan would have done it, too.
