El Lame-o

This is disaapointing for a so-called Noir. The fireworks ending is the best thing in it along with Laughton and Price. Stale script with cardboard lovers. Pure bologne. Forget the silly shark interlude. This is big time pee ewe!

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


You're an idiot.

This film in very under-rated in fact...

Required film-noir viewing.


Very underrated indeed. It is slowly gaining much deserved interest and it hsa now a 'proper release' on the 'WB archive collection' label.


I just got this from the library to show to my movie group....it will be a couple of weeks from Saturday before I show it, but I'm sure just the appearance of Vincent Price and Charles Laughton will make the film a favorite.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies
