Where was this filmed?

Most of BATTLEGROUND looks like it was filmed in large studio sets, but lit in such a way as to look remarkably like an outdoors forest covered in fog or on a cloudy day. Very much ahead-of-its-time cinematography.

But there are some location shots. At some point, the G.I.'s come to town and drive through massive bombed-out ruins . That scene looks too big to be a soundstage set. Where was it filmed?

Also, IMDB gives the filming locations only as "Fort Lewis, Washington," "Oregon" and "California." Pretty vague if you ask me. Is there any source of more specific info?



Sorry, I don't know the answer, but I was just as impressed as you were. I finally had to check for studio lighting reflecting off the tops of helmets - and yes, it's there. The snow is the most realistic I've ever seen in a "fake" movie setting, and that includes Band of Brothers. So is the rough terrain, with its snow mounds and conifer trees. As you said, Bastogne looks "too large" to be a mere sound stage set (and at that, everything was perfectly covered in snow). And the snow itself "acted like" real snow - it was not soap bubbles or soap flakes or, as far as I could tell, styrofoam or cloth spread over the set. Incredible, realistic job.
