Can´t wait...

I´m still waiting for my Criterion 2-DVD-set of "Banshun" which I ordered at and which hasn´t arrived yet... :(

Are you, those who own this edition already, pleased with the image and sound restoration done by Criterion?

What I read on DVDbeaver´s homepage wasn´t that positive in comparison with their ratings of other Criterion releases of Ozus...they had some complaints that it would be overboosted in some scenes.
-What do you think?

Thanks for your replies.


I think that the image is generally very good looking.. there are a few scenes that are completely gorgeus, as sharp and clean as you could wish for, whereas a few scenes are a tad over-boosted, (as mentioned) or scratched, but I trust this was the best Criterion could do.

But my god is the film amazing... I actually enojoyed this more than Tokyo Story, the story and characterisations felt so unforced and free-flowing, and I think Ozu's slightly more kinetick style (as opposed to Tokyo Story) in this one was extremely enjoyable.

I hate when people talk during the mooovee!
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Batman & Robin
